More than just a DJ and producer, “IAMNOEL” is a collaborative partnership.
As I a child I loved Star Wars. I loved the idea of the FORCE. In Rogue One “Chirrut Imwe” while blind, does some impossible feats. Before he embarks on doing the impossible he declares “I AM one with the Force and the Force is one with me.” He repeats this over and over again.
I AM is the name that GOD gave himself.
Who is I AM? I AM is the name that GOD gave himself. In Hebrew it looks like this YHVH! “God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say…… ‘I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14)
For most people, it’s really challenging to identify ones humanity alongside divinity. So often we are taught that we can’t or don’t have access at achieving supernatural things. The even deeper complication with this is our problem of thinking we are not worthy of this. In my opinion our society as a whole could be so further along in technology, music, faith, if we fully knew who we are and where we came from.
On my 33rd birthday in the month of December in the midst of a fight for my soul, on my daily walk/run a hummingbird came to me. This was the first time I had ever seen one. It danced around me, as if it wanted to be seen and wanted me to know that I was seen also.
From that day forward on my walk I witnessed that hummingbird as well as many others. The visits from these birds became super frequent. In the native American culture it has some powerful significance and meaning. Because they are the only bird that can maneuver they way they do the native American saw it as a symbol “making the impossible possible. So of course I had to adopt this symbol as my logo.

There are many people on this earth that have made a choice to partner with I AM. My goal through my voice, my music, is that others will be inspired to embark on doing the impossible.
Reference Luke 18:27 “But what is impossible for man is made possible WITH God(I AM).
When I declare “IAMNOEL” I am not only declaring the partnership between I AM & I. I am also telling myself and the world that I am stepping out to do the impossible. I am declaring that I am one with I AM and I AM is one with me. My music and my sets are created to touch everyone not just those that believe. My name is NOEL his name is I AM. We are one. IAMNOEL.
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